Hermann Sewerin GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 3
D-33334 Gütersloh, Germany
Tel.: + 49 (0) 52 41/ 9 34- 0
Fax: + 49 (0) 52 41/ 9 34- 444
Email: info[at]sewerin.com
Managing directors:
Dr. Dipl.-Phys. Swen Sewerin
Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Benjamin Sewerin
Register court: Amtsgericht Gütersloh
Register number: HRB 14 53
VAT identification number in accordance with §27a UStG [Value Added Tax Act]: DE 272 072 419
Foundation Elektro-Altgeräte Register (ear): our registration number is WEEE-Reg. No. DE 22589195
Responsible for content in accordance with §6 MDStV [German legal framework for electronic media]: Dr. Swen Sewerin
Note regarding liability: Despite careful content checks, we do not accept liability for the content accessed with external links. The respective website operators are exclusively responsible for the content of the linked sites.
The data and information provided on this website has been carefully checked. However, liability is excluded with regard to the correctness, completeness or up to date status of the information and data provided. This applies as well to all other websites to which hyperlinks refer directly or indirectly. In addition, those responsible for this site do not bear responsibility for the content of such websites that are accessed using such a link. All information can be changed, removed or supplemented without notice.
Hermann Sewerin GmbH has taken comprehensive measure to protect your personal right to privacy. The following provides information regarding the personal data that may be collected and saved when you contact Hermann Sewerin GmbH (e.g. when visiting our website or when you purchase products and services from Hermann Sewerin GmbH) and how and for which purposes these data are used.
We collect personal information, i.e. data such as your correct name, address, postal address, telephone number, etc. in order to process your orders or complete your service orders. This does not include information that cannot be connected with your actual identity.
Our online presence contains links to other websites. We have no influence over the compliance of those respective website operators with data protection regulations.
Digitale Offensive GmbH
Herforder Str. 237
33609 Bielefeld