Perfect maintenance everywhere: trolleys with ATS 503/501 for Heidelberg

We recently had the pleasure of developing and building a customised solution for our ATS 503 and ATS 501 testing equipment for Stadtwerke Heidelberg Netze. This customised solution included two ATS 503/501 test systems, which we cleverly integrated on a practical trolley. This enables the customer to carry out the necessary maintenance work on his gas concentration analysers flexibly and on the move.  

Normally, the ATS 503/501 are used as individual devices at a fixed workstation. In this particular case, however, we have responded to the individual needs of our customer and created a mobile solution that makes the work process considerably easier. The trolley, equipped with several 2-litre gas cylinders, offers a compact and transportable solution for the functional testing and adjustment of the EX-TEC® PM 580, 550, 500 and 400 gas concentration measuring devices.  

The ATS 503/501 also charge the device batteries and read out and transfer the logs to a computer.  

Our device service also works with two other variants for the rapid adjustment and calibration of EX-TEC® PM 5x0 devices. On the one hand, we have developed a test wall that accommodates a total of 12 ATS 503/201 and therefore enables several devices to be processed efficiently at the same time. On the other hand, there is a more compact version for the workstation, which is equipped with three ATS and shows its strengths particularly in confined working environments.  

This flexibility and variety in our solutions enables us to ensure that we always fulfil the specific requirements of our customers. Our latest project in Heidelberg is another example of how we can achieve optimum results through customised approaches and innovative technologies.

[Translate to English US:] Prüfeinrichtungen ATS 503/501 auf Rollwagen - Sonderanfertigung auf Kundenwunsch
[Translate to English US:] Prüfwand mit 12 ATS 503/501
[Translate to English US:] Prüfeinrichtungen ATS 503/501 im Geräteservice
[Translate to English US:] einzelne Prüfeinrichtung ATS 503 an einem Service-Arbeitsplatz